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Week 2


  • Requirement gathering and analysis
  • UI Design and prototyping
  • UI Development - Create New Framework
  • UI Development - List of Frameworks

Screenshots / Videos


1.( this is the link of the PR before merging 2.( this is the link after merging PR


1.I successfully created a sample application using React and MUI (Material-UI), combining these technologies to create a functional and visually appealing app.

2.I made improvements to the app and submitted a pull request. After careful review, my changes were accepted and merged into the main codebase, showing my ability to collaborate effectively with other developers.

3.I designed an intuitive and user-friendly interface for creating and managing frameworks. The interface is easy to navigate and understand, ensuring a positive user experience.

4.Throughout the design and development process, I maintained open and clear communication with stakeholders. I actively listened to their feedback, addressed their concerns, and kept them informed about the project's progress and changes.